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Quality Engineer(Casting) 质量工程师(铸铝)
面议 上海嘉定区 应届毕业生 学历不限
卡斯马汽车系统(上海)有限公司 2024-08-22 02:22:50
Quality Engineer(Casting) 质量工程师(铸铝)
面议 上海嘉定区 应届毕业生 学历不限
卡斯马汽车系统(上海)有限公司 2024-08-22 02:22:50
RESPONSIBILITIES:----Development of new projects----新项目开发-Ensure the customer quality requirements at all stages of project development process have been fully satisfied确保客户质量要求在项目开发过程中的各个阶段都得到充分的满足-Ensure the project development process to follow APQP procedures under the customer确保项目开发过程遵循客户所规定的APQP程序Customer quality requirements for full interpretation and validation, the problems with the client to communicate-对客户所有质量要求进行充分的解读与确认,对存在的问题与客户进行沟通Participate in product APQP activities, such as PFMEA, CONTROL PLAN to develop-参与产品的APQP活动,如PFMEA、CONTROL PLAN的制定Participate in product design and production process design, to ensure that customers on the quality requirements of products have been fully taken into account-参与产品设计和生产工艺设计,确保客户对产品的各项质量要求都得到了充分考虑Responsible for size measurement program, the quality inspection process and requirements formulation and implementation of quality inspection of the required tools, fixture protection-负责尺寸测量计划、质量检验流程和要求的制定,以及实施质量检验所需工具、检具的保障Review the design and manufacture of products submit-对产品检具的设计及制造进行评审Responsible for the training and guidance of the quality control personnel-负责培训及指导质检人员Responsible for the processing of the sample results for the test and quality issues-负责样品检验结果的评估和质量问题的处理Good supplier of project development work in conjunction with SQE-与SQE配合做好供应商的项目开发工作Responsible for submitting the customer required size of the report-负责提交客户所需尺寸报告Responsible for customer PPAP preparation of documents to submit, organize, summarize, and review-负责提交客户PPAP 文件的编制、整理、汇总及审查Participate in the sealed samples of the suppliers of parts and PPAP documentation review-参与供应商零件的封样及PPAP文件的审查----Production stage management----生产阶段管理:Responsible for product quality control system to establish, implement, monitor and improve-负责产品质量控制系统的建立、实施、监督与提高Responsible for the processing of the daily production and quality management and quality issues-负责日常生产质量的管理及质量问题的处理Aggregate and track the issue of quality-对质量问题进行汇总及跟踪Work with customers, suppliers maintain an appropriate contact to the scene to deal with quality problems and, if necessary-与客户、供应商保持适当的联系,并在必要时到现场处理质量问题Ensure the critical dimensions and key features of the full recognition and continue to meet;-确保关键尺寸和关键特性得到充分识别和持续满足;Participate in the training of production employees at the Department-参与对生产部员工的培训Through the day-to-day on-site exchange with the production department staff so that quality control has been effectively implemented-通过与生产部员工的日常现场交流使质量控制得到切实落实Timely release, track, close the RDR and CAR及时处理日常生产中发现的可疑零件Timely release, track, close the RDR and CAR-及时发布、跟踪、关闭RDR和CARtimely release, track, update, close quality alert notice-及时发布、跟踪、更新、关闭质量警报通告Assist in the production department of quality hidden parts sorting, inspection, rework and scrap-协助生产部对有质量隐患的零件进行分拣、检查、返工及报废Organize the relevant departments of quality problem root cause analysis and develop short-and long-term corrective measures, the preparation of the rectification report, track, and confirm the effectiveness of the corrective measures-组织有关部门人员对质量问题进行根源分析及制定短期和长期整改措施,编制整改报告,跟踪、确认整改措施的有效性According to the quality issues to ensure the PFMEA, the CONTROL PLAN and the CONTROL CARD to be revised-针对质量问题确保PFMEA、CONTROL PLAN及CONTROL CARD得到及时修改Timely provision of quality information needed by the customer-按时提供客户需要的质量信息Develop rework and quality acceptance criteria-制定返工方法及质量接受标准Responsible for the quality technician, task allocation, training, guidance and supervision-负责对质量技术员进行任务分配、培训、指导和监督Provide regular project quality information summary and analysis reports-定期提供项目质量信息汇总及分析报告Engineering change----工程更改:----Responsible for the preparation of PPAP documentation, collate, summarize and review-负责PPAP 文件的编制、整理、汇总及审查;Update engineering changes affect the quality of files (for example, control cards, control plans, head of the display board, etc.), reference sample, sealed sample and submit-及时更新受工程更改影响的相关质量文件(如控制卡、控制计划、目示板等)、参考样件、封样件及检具Work with the product engineers to update the PFMEA, operating instructions, specifications for packaging, labels and adjust tooling-配合产品工程师及时更新PFMEA、操作指导书、包装说明、标签及调整工装coordination of internal and external relationships to ensure that all measuring, testing and documentation are complete and correct-协调内部和外部关系,确保所有测量、检验和文件都完整、正确continuous improvement:-持续改进:Initiation, planning, collaboration and participation in the necessary meetings to ensure effective continuous improvement;-发起、计划、协同和参与相关的必要会议,确保持续改进的有效进行;Distribution to the members of the quality team task and carry out supervision and inspection-向质量团队的成员分派相关任务并进行监督检查The obligation to continue to improve and maintain safety in the workplace-有义务持续改进和保持工作场所的安全Understand and implement the TS16949-了解并贯彻TS16949Teamwork spirit;-具备 团队合作精神;Timely carry out customer satisfaction surveys-适时开展顾客满意度调查活动Other required responsibilities-以及卡斯马要求的其他职责QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED:Science, engineering or related undergraduate degree or above-大学理科、工程或相关专业本科以上学历Quality Engineering in more than three years work experience in the automotive assembly plant or parts of one or secondary supplier companies-在汽车总装厂或零部件的一级或二级供应商企业里获得3年以上质量工程师工作经验Practical experience of materials, assembly and casting-对材料、装配、铸造有较丰富的实际经验Good English listening, speaking, reading and written ability-具有良好的英文听、说、读、写的能力Familiar of TS16949 / QS9000 quality system-熟悉TS16949 /QS9000质量体系knowledge and experience of APQP, PPAP, PFMEA, CONTROL the PLAN, the MSA, SPC, and the GD
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